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World Taekwondo announces appointments of Commission and Committee Chairs
WT, 2년 임기의 기술위원장 등 위원회 새로 구성
기사입력: 2021/12/18 [11:07] ⓒ wtu

  © WTU


World Taekwondo announced the chairs of the World Taekwondo Committees and Commissions for the period 2021-2023 with a series of re-appointments and new appointments, including the first ever female chair of the Referee Committee.


Ms. Amely MORAS from the USA is among the newly appointed chairs and is not only the first female to lead the Referee Committee but at 35 year’s old is the youngest of the Committee and Commission chairs. Ms MORAS previously served as vice-chair of the Committee and has extensive refereeing experience including at the recent Olympic Games Tokyo 2020.


The Committees comprise 34 percent women representation, as part of World Taekwondo’s drive towards achieving gender parity in the Committees within this decade. Furthermore, one Commission and four influential Committees are chaired by women – Member Relations and Development Commission, Referee Committee, Juridical Committee, Para Taekwondo Classification Committee, and Taekwondo for All Committee.


The Chairs will play an important role in ensuring that the Committees and Commissions continue to identify ways to improve World Taekwondo and deliver the very best sport for its athletes and all stakeholders.


The list of Chairs can be found below (in alphabetical order of the Commissions first then Committees):


Chair of the Member Relations and Development Commission

– Ms. Maria Rosario BORELLO CASTILLO from Guatemala (newly appointed)

Ms. BORELLO CASTILLO serves as a World Taekwondo Vice President


Chair of the Technical Commission - Mr. Songchul KIM from Canada (newly appointed)

Mr. KIM was former Chair of the World Taekwondo Referee Committee


Chair of the Athletes Committee – To be elected

New members will be elected during the World Taekwondo Championships,

after which the co-chairs will be elected amongst the members 


Chair of the Development Committee - Ms. Maria Rosario BORELLO CASTILLO (newly appointed)


Chair of the Education Committee - Mr. Hassane SADOK from France (newly appointed)

Mr. SADOK is President of the French Taekwondo Federation and President at the University of Littoral, France


Chair of the Finance Committee - Mr. Pimol SRIVIKORN from Thailand (re-appointed)

Mr. SRIVIKORN is World Taekwondo Treasurer


Chair of the Games Committee - Mr. Mohamed SHAABAN from Egypt (re-appointed)



Mr. SHAABAN serves on the World Taekwondo Council


Chair of the Integrity & Ethics Committee - Dr. Jean-Marie AYER from Switzerland (newly appointed)

Dr. AYER is a World Taekwondo Council member and former Secretary General


Chair of the Juridical Committee - Ms. Lorenza MEL from Italy (re-appointed)


Chair of the Medical & Anti-Doping Committee - Dr. Dae Hyoun JEONG from Korea (re-appointed)


Chair of the Para Taekwondo Committee - Mr. Chakir CHELBAT from Sweden (re-appointed)


Chair of the Para Taekwondo Classification Committee - Dr. Hadwah MOAWAD from Saudi Arabia (newly appointed)


Chair of the Poomsae Committee - Prof. Jungheon KIM from Korea (re-appointed)


Chair of the Referee Committee - Ms. Amely MORAS from USA (newly appointed)

Ms. MORAS is the first female referee chair in World Taekwondo’s history


Chair of the Sustainability Committee – To be appointed


Chair of the Coaches Committee – To be appointed


Chair of the Taekwondo For All Committee - Dr. Hadwah MOAWAD (newly appointed)




세계태권도연맹(WT)은 2021년부터 2023년까지 2년 임기의 기술위원장을 비롯한 위원회 위원장을 새로 구성했다. 


기술위원장에는 캐나다에서 활동하고 있는 김송철위원장이 임명되었다. 김송철 신임 기술위원장은 2017년 심판위원장에 선임된 후 지난 도쿄올림픽까지 성공적으로 심판위원회를 이끌어 이번에 기술위원장에 발탁되었다.


심판위원장에는 WT 사상 처음으로 여성이 임명되었다. 새로 임명된 미국 국적의 아멜리 모라스(Amely Moras)는 35세의 젊은 나이에 심판위원회 부위원장 및 도쿄 올림픽 심판 등 많은 현장 경험을 쌓았으며 새로운 젊은 감각과 시선으로 앞으로 2년간 심판위원회를 이끌 것이 기대된다.


경기위원장은 이집트 출신의 모하마드 샤반(Mohamed Shaaban)이 재선임됐으며 정대현 의무위원장 역시 유임되었다. 품새위원회는 김중헌 용인대 태권도학과 교수가 다시 위원장에 임명되었다.


WT위원회는 2024년 파리 올림픽을 앞두고 관객 및 선수들 모두에게 가장 좋은 스포츠를 제공하기 위한 방법을 지속적으로 개발하는데 중요한 역할을 할 것이다.



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세계태권도연맹,WT,김중헌 관련기사목록


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