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Chuncheon awarded 2024 World Taekwondo Junior Championships and Hong Kong 2024 World Taekwondo Poomsae Championships
춘천, 2024년 세계청소년선수권대회 개최지로 결정...

회의 직전 독일 현지시간 21일 별세한 고의민 대사범과 호주 현지시간 28일 별세한 필립 콜스 IOC 명예위원 겸 전 WT 부총재를 기리는 묵념의 시간
기사입력: 2023/02/04 [09:20] ⓒ wtu

Chuncheon awarded 2024 World Taekwondo Junior Championships and Hong Kong 2024 World Taekwondo Poomsae Championships


The Council meeting began with a moment’s silence for the passing of former World Taekwondo Vice President Phillip Coles and former Chair of the World Taekwondo Committee Supreme Grand master Eui-min Ko (WTU)

The World Taekwondo Council today met for the first time this year in Bangkok Thailand in a hybrid format to discuss a number of key matters including selecting Chuncheon, Korea and Hong Kong, China as the hosts of the 2024 World Taekwondo Junior Championships and 2024 World Taekwondo Poomsae Championships respectively.




Chuncheon was awarded the 2024 World Taekwondo Junior Championships following a vote between the Korean city, Hong Kong and Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is the second time that the World Taekwondo Junior Championships, which started in Barcelona, ​​Spain in 1996, will be held in Korea after it was first held in the country 20 years ago in Suncheon in 2004. For the 2024 World Taekwondo Poomsae Championships, Hong Kong was the sole candidate and selected unanimously.  It will be the first time Hong Kong has hosted the World Poomsae Championships which began in 2006.


World Taekwondo President Chungwon Choue said:


“We are delighted to confirm Chuncheon and Hong Kong as the hosts of next year’s World Junior and Poomsae Championships. We have no doubt that they will organise fantastic events and provide an excellent environment for the athletes to compete at their very best. Awarding these two events is further evidence of the strength of taekwondo and the global interest in hosting our Championships. It comes as we mark our 50th anniversary and celebrate how from humble beginnings we have prospered and grown to 212 Member National Associations making World Taekwondo one of the world’s largest International Federations.”


The Council meeting began with a moment’s silence for the passing of former World Taekwondo Vice President Phillip Coles and former Chair of the World Taekwondo Committee Supreme Grand master Eui-min Ko.


Following the statements from the IOC with regard to the status of athletes from Russia and Belarus, the Council expressed its full support for the IOC’s position to respect the rights of all athletes without any discrimination, which is in line with the mission of World Taekwondo. World Taekwondo will continue to discuss with the IOC the reintegration of athletes to Taekwondo competitions, including qualification pathways to the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. World Taekwondo believes that sport can and should be used to reconcile and heal, rather than to separate.


During the meeting, the Council also approved the inauguration of World Cup Taekwondo Team Championships in Korea this year as well as Chuncheon’s bid to organise the 2023 World Taekwondo Beach Championships, Octagon Diamond Game, and Demonstration Team Championships as a Cultural Festival.


The Council also welcomed two new members Ms. Nikita Glasnovic and Mr. Stephen Lambdin who are the co-chairs of the Athletes Committee whose term will be until Baku General Assembly. There were also reports on this year’s Golden Jubilee celebrations, Best Athletes of the past Olympic and Paralympic Games, and the LA 28 qualification system, as well as Para taekwondo’s inclusion in the LA 28 Paralympic Games.


next Council meeting will take place in Baku, Azerbaijan on May 28 on the occasion of the World Championships.








2024 세계주니어태권도선수권대회, 춘천시 유치


- 2.1 태국 방콕서 열린 WT 임시집행위에서 결정 

- 24년 9월, 춘천에서 대회 개최


춘천시(시장 육동한)가 2024년 세계주니어태권도선수권대회 유치에 성공했다.


1일 오후, 태국 방콕에서 열린 세계태권도연맹 임시집행위원회에서 2위 홍콩과 3위 보스니아를 제치고 대한민국 춘천이 최종 개최지로 선정되었다.


춘천시는 지난 12월 세계태권도연맹에 유치 신청서를 제출하고, 대한태권도협회(회장 양진방)와 적극적인 유치 활동을 해왔다.


세계주니어태권도선수권대회는 1996년 창설되어 2년 주기로 개최되며, 국내에서는 2004년 5회 대회 이후 20년 만에 개최하게 된다. 춘천시는 지난해 아시아태권도선수권대회개최에 이어 세계주니어태권도선수권대회까지 유치에 성공했고 대회는 24년 9월 춘천호반체육관에서 6일간 진행된다.


 육동한 춘천시장 (WTU)

육동한 춘천시장은 “세계 태권도의 미래를 이끌어가는 꿈나무를 위한 대회를 춘천에서 개최할 수 있어 매우 자랑스럽고 세계주니어태권도선수권대회를 통해 춘천을 전 세계에 널리 알렸으면 좋겠다.”라고 말했으며, 대한태권도협회 양진방 회장은 “2004년 이후 20년 만에 한국에서 개최하는 세계주니어태권도선수권대회인 만큼 춘천시와 협력하여 성공적인 대회가 되도록 잘 준비하겠다”라고 밝혔다.





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