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Interview with Chairman Kim Jung-heon of the Taekwondo Promotion Foundation for the New Year of 2025

"Hello Taekwondo family"
기사입력: 2025/01/02 [19:07] ⓒ wtu
Interview with Chairman Kim Jung-heon of the Taekwondo Promotion Foundation for the New Year of 2025.
Hello Taekwondo family
I'm Jung Heon Kim.
I'm a Chairman of Taekwondo Promotion Foundation
I just took this position about couple of months ago
and personally it's my great honor
and big opportunity to serve myself
with my professional career in
to Taekwondo development and promotion
and I'll promise you I'll do my best
to make Taekwondo successful
along with the Taekwondo Promotion Foundation
agendas and also the sacred place of Taekwondowon
which will serve you
all Taekwondo family in the world
and my key point is to make
Taekwondowon more symbolic area
so anybody from all over the world
can come to Taekwondowon and
enjoy Taekwondo training and the museum
history, philosophy, all kind of contents are in this one
Taekwondowon location
so I wish you enjoy Taekwondowon in the future
and another one is I want to focus on more
Taekwondo contents upgraded
so now as you know
that we have all the industry
become more digitalized,
So, we have a PSS
and we have virtual Taekwondo
IOC is promoting E-sports Olympics
and of course I believe that
Taekwondo will become an official program
in the E-sports Olympics
So I try to support digitalized Taekwondo along
with virtual Taekwondo programs
and just give us cheerful big round of applause
and so our staff members
and myself will to our best to serve you
and to promote Taekwondo in the world
My life philosophy and
my life motto is THE RIGHT WAY
so this motto I thought
and become my life philosophy is that
along with Technical Training in my life
I've learned a lot of spiritual principles
through Taekwondo training and
also I met a lot of people
when I learned a Taekwondo
and when I taught Taekwondo
so I thought Taekwondo training
kept myself on the right track
Whenever I when I was in another lessons period
I had my good friends and bad friends
and some actually went some not very good way
so did not successful in the life
However, Taekwondo training and in my instructors
and my senior Taekwondo Team members
kept me on the right track through my life
So I really really thankful to
those people and Taekwondo itself
So that's why THE RIGHT WAY
in Korean "바른길" is my life motto
me as one of Taekwondo family in the world
I would like to thanks to all people
Interview with Chairman Dr. Kim Jung-heon of the Taekwondo Promotion Foundation for the New Year of 2025.
who developed Taekwondo from beginning period
and also in spot many people are serving
and contributing Taekwondo in the world
I also want to say thanks to them
and the most important part in Taekwondo
is that Taekwondo prosperity
is possible by all those people
who contribute to the Taekwondo in very
very difficult conditions and situations
so now it's time to Taekwondo to serve globe
a specially who are underdeveloped
who are in very poor condition
so that is the Key of Sustainable Earth
and The Sustainable World Peace
by Sustainable Taekwondo Campaigns
Thank you very much.
무단전재 및 재배포 금지 ⓒ wtu.
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김중헌,kim jungheon,TPF, 태권도진흥재단 관련기사목록


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