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Interview with Dae-hoon Lee: “I am in Muju for the gold medal”
By Pau Aguilar of Spain
기사입력: 2017/06/26 [19:07] ⓒ wtu
▲     © Dae-hoon Lee (KOR (WTU)

Iterview with Dae-hoon Lee (KOR),


Olympic silver in London 2012 and bronze in Rio 2016, ahead of his participation in the Muju 2017 World Championships. Lee will compete tomorrow Monday June 26 in the Men’s -68 kg division.



Q: Do you feel like you are in good shape at the moment?

- A: Yes, I really do. I think I am in good shape. I have good sensations because I am satisfied with all the effort I’ve put in my preparation for the World Championships and I want to continue doing this hard work.


Q: What are your expectations for the event?

- A: I am here to win the gold medal, no doubt about it. This is my objective. But additionally, I want to perform and compete at a high level for me to be satisfied and for the fans to enjoy.


Q: World Championships in Korea, at Taekwondowon… Do you feel an extra pressure?

- A: To be honest, as I have always competed in major events outside Korea, I have not been very pressured, but now in that the World Champs are being held in Korea, I feel a bit of pressure. The whole Korean Team is making an effort to fullfull the expectations of the fans here.


Q: Who do you think are your main opponents in the race for the gold medal?

- A: I believe there are some competitors who have not made their name yet in the International scene and can be very dangerous, they can really show their skills here, become outsiders of the category. Also, Yaghoubijouybari from Iran and Gutierrez from Mexico are very strong rivals. As well as Bragança from Portugal, who come from the -58 kg division. I wil have to watch out for all of them.


Q: Have you changed your training routine for such an special event like this?

- A: Not really. I’ve just kept training hard all day and resting at home after the effort as I have done for so many years, although it is good to hang out sometimes as well.


Q: How do you feel about Taekwondowon holding the WC?

▲     © 2016 Rio Olympic Finals match  (WTU)


- A: It is really special. It is the first Taekwondo Park, so holding an international competition here it is really meaningful for the country. I hopes people from all around come and have a good image about it.


Q: What do you think about the recent changes on the competition rules?

- A: The most important thing is that these new rules have changed Taekwondo into a more interesting sport. With this new Taekwondo style, the spectators will interact better with the sport. Also it will better for the media. Taekwondo can develop further with this new format.


Pau Aguilar, Muju 



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