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World Taekwondo Council meets online ahead of virtual General Assembly
세계태권도연맹 정기 집행위원회 개최,각 대륙연맹 회장에 아시아는 이규석, 유럽은 사키스 프라갈로스, 팬암은 후안 마뉴엘 로페즈, 아프리카는 이사카 이데 그리고 오세아니아는 존 코치파스가 선출
기사입력: 2021/10/11 [12:15] ⓒ wtu

  © WTU


World Taekwondo Council met virtually today ahead of tomorrow’s General Assembly which will see the elections of the President, Council members and Auditor.


World Taekwondo President Chungwon Choue opened the meeting by congratulating the President and members who have been elected onto their respective Continental Union Councils:


▲ © Kyu Seok Lee (Republic of Korea) – Asian Taekwondo Union President (WTU)

Issaka Ide (Niger) – World Taekwondo Africa President

  • Kyu Seok Lee (Republic of Korea) – Asian Taekwondo Union President
  • Sakis Pragalos (Greece) – European Taekwondo Union President
  • John Kotsifas (Australia) – World Taekwondo Oceania President
  • Juan Manuel Lopez (Mexico) – Pan American Taekwondo Union President.


The elected presidents of the Continental Unions are ex-officio Vice Presidents of World Taekwondo. President  Choue also thanked the Continental Unions for working closely with World Taekwondo to support the collective aim of becoming one of the best and most respected international sports federations.


Reflecting on the huge successes since the last Council meeting, President Choue said:


“The high is obviously the very successful completion of the Taekwondo competitions at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. We also had a fantastic debut at the Paralympic Games. Congratulations once again to the medallists who won medals at both Games. We managed to showcase a lot of good things about Taekwondo – fair competitions, high standard of refereeing, respect from everyone, and a new generation of champions who will be the names to watch out for in years to come.”


The Taekwondo competitions at the Olympic and Paralympic Games reinforced Taekwondo as an open and accessible sport to all. While the competitions were a great success, World Taekwondo is constantly striving to improve and has created an ad-hoc committee to look at how to further refine competition rules to make Taekwondo even more exciting and dynamic.


The Council also received an update from Honorary Vice President and Chair of the Interim Management Committee of the Pan American Taekwondo Union (PATU) Ivan Dibos on the steps taken to bring the organisation in compliance with good governance and best practice.


The agenda for tomorrow’s General Assembly was approved by the Council and a report on the World Taekwondo Election Committee for the 2021 World Taekwondo elections was also delivered. The elections will see a record number of female candidates standing, reflecting the federation’s ongoing commitment to increasing women’s representation in the sport.


World Taekwondo Secretary General Hoss Rafaty delivered the operations report and there was also approval of the financial report.


The next World Taekwondo Council meeting is scheduled to take place on  April 11 on the occasion of the World Taekwondo Championships in Wuxi in April 2022.


And You are invited to watch the WT's 2021 General Assembly and Election to be live-streamed on Youtube at ( on October 11, 8 pm Local time in Korea.


▲     © Issaka Ide (Niger) – World Taekwondo Africa President (WTU)

세계태권도연맹(WT, 총재 조정원)은 10월 10일 WT 사무국 대회의실에서 정기 집행위원회를 화상으로 개최했다. 우시 2021 세계태권도선수권대회와 연계해 개최키로 했던 정기 WT 집행위원회는 선수권대회가 코로나로 인해 내년 4월로 연기되면서 화상으로 개최되었다.



▲     © Sakis Pragalos (Greece) – European Taekwondo Union President (WTU)

 조정원 총재는 인사말에서 5개 대륙의 새로 선출된 회장단에게 축하를 건넸다. 아시아는 이규석, 유럽은 사키스 프라갈로스(Sakis Pragalos), 팬암은 후안 마뉴엘 로페즈(Juan Manuel Lopez), 아프리카는  이사카 이데(Issaka Ide) 그리고 오세아니아는 존 코치파스(John Kotsifas)가 회장으로 선출됐다.  


▲     © John Kotsifas (Australia) – World Taekwondo Oceania President (WTU)

조총재는 “내년 2월 중국 북경에서 열리는 IOC 총회에서 2028년 LA 올림픽의 종목이 결정된다”고 전하며 대륙연맹이 어느 때보다도 단결, 화합해 WT가 최고의 국제 스포츠 연맹이 될 수 있게 노력하자고 말했다.


2017 무주에서 선발된 집행위원들은 이번이 4년 임기의 마지막 정기 집행위원회로, 집행위원들은 10월 11일 열리는 선거

▲     © Juan Manuel Lopez (Mexco) – Pan American Taekwondo Union President. (WTU)

절차에 관해 보고를 받았다.


10월 11일 저녁 8시부터 화상으로 열리는 WT 총회와 선거에서 새로운 집행부가 선출된다.


한편, 한국시간으로 10월 11일 오후 8시 유튜브(

)에서 2021년 WT 총회 및 선거를 생방송으로 볼 수 있다.


▲     ©WTU




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