© ▲ President G.M Kim is taking a commemorative photo with Tae-joo Na and Tae-mi after delivering the plaque of appreciation at Taegeuk Room of GTA building located in Suwon City 김경덕 회장이 국가대표 태권도 선수출신 연예인 나태주와 태미에게 감사패를 전달하고 기념사진을 찍고 있다 (WTU)
President G.M Gyung-duk Kim of Gyeong Gi-Do Taekwondo Association Delivers Plaque of Appreciation to Former National Taekwondo Team Member and Entertainer Na Tae-joo and Tae-mi for Contribution on Popularization of Taekwondo
President Kim Gyeong-deok of Gyeong Gi-Do Taekwondo Association Says “I never miss Chick Highkick even when I am busy. I was touched by how Tae-joo Na and Tae-mi taught children.”
On the morning of June 10, an event was held in Taegeuk Room of Gyeong Gi-Do Taekwondo Association located in Suwon City, Korea with President G.M Gyung-duk Kim of Gyeong Gi-Do Taekwondo Association and other executives and workers including vice-president Cho Seung-ik, managing director Kim Pyeong, and Director Mrs.Jooye Kwon, reporters.
Tae-joo Na who rapidly got spotlighted as the national star in Trot Taekwon and Taekwondo girl Tae-mi were recently featured in MBN “Chick Highkick”(https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%EB%B3%91%EC%95%84%EB%A6%AC%ED%95%98%EC%9D%B4%ED%82%A5) asdirector and instructor of Taedong Taekwondo School. The episode brought a great sensation in popularization of Taekwondo.
Their remarkable performance in the television program brought sparkles in revitalizing Taekwondo schools which have been in slump due to COVID-19.
After receiving the plaque of appreciating, Na said “It is a great honor to get this plaque of appreciation. I hope to become a role model and win supports from other Taekwondoins” Also, Tae-mi said “As a Taekwondoin, I will try to spread Taekwondo widely.”
President G.M Kim decorated his SNS profile with photos of “Chick Highkick”. After having the ceremony on presenting the plaque of appreciation, he said “I never miss Chick Highkick even when I am busy. I felt so proud of Na and Tae-mi for teaching students by using Taekwondo words. All other Taekwondoins would feel the same, too” in the interview.
In the meeting with attendees, President G.M Kim said “I feel sad about how Taekwondo schools(DoJang) are going through tough times due to COVID-19. I will try to establish the detailed policies for development of Taekwondo.” President Kim also revealed the plans such as Taekwondo textbook and Hall of Taekwondo.
Total of 2,502 Taekwondo schools are registered in Gyeong Gi-Do Taekwondo Association and it has the largest scale among 17 provincial associations. President G.M Kim has been supporting on fostering youth elite athletes and revitalizing sports for all. Last year, President G.M Kim supported 1.7 billion won for Taekwondo schools(DoJang) that suffered from financial difficulties.
10일 오전 11시 수원에 소재한 경기도태권도협회(이하 KTA) 사옥 태극실에서 KTA 김경덕 회장이 국가대표 태권도 선수출신 연예인으로서 태권도 홍보대사 역할을 톡톡히하고 있는 ‘라이징’스타 나태주와 태미에게 태권도 대중화 공로로 감사패를 전달했다.
이날 감사패 전달식에는 김경덕 회장, 이영선 부회장, 조승익 부회장, 김평 전무이사, 정대환, 권주예 이사와 취재진 그리고 사무처 직원들 등이 참석한 가운데 태권도 홍보대사로서 어려운 시기에 일선 도장들에게 활력을 주고 있는 나태주와 태미에게 감사와 응원의 시간 이였다 .
태권트롯으로 국민스타로 급부상한 나태주와 태권액션 스타 태미는 최근 MBN에서 방영되고 있는 ‘병아리 하이킥’(https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%EB%B3%91%EC%95%84%EB%A6%AC%ED%95%98%EC%9D%B4%ED%82%A5