편집 2025.02.15 [10:11]
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2025 신년 김중헌 태권도진흥재단 이사장 인터뷰
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GTA, Leads in Expelling COVID-19!
(Photo)Kukkiwon holds the ceremony for declaration of the first year of the 2nd establishment and hoisting national flags
(Photo news)Kukkiwon held its ceremony to commemorate the 3rd anniversary of the designation of taekwondo as the national sport established by the Kor
VOD(KOR-ENG)Taekwondo-Silkroad-Journey lasting 85 Days
(Photo news)Kukkiwon held its ceremony to commemorate the 3rd anniversary of the designation of taekwondo as the national sport established by the Kor
2015 Korea-Japan Youth Exchange Friendship Taekwondo Championship
Taekwondo's challenge continues! (around the world first Taekwondo schools in Beijing China
Let's go see to Korea national Taekwondowon(TPF) in Muju county
Chinese Taipei T.K.D demonstration team
VOD(KOR-ENG)Taekwondo-Silkroad-Journey lasting 85 Days
2018 전주오픈국제태권도대회 우정과 화합 속 아쉬운 폐막
(KOR-ENG)The 12th World Taekwondo Culture Expo, a six-day friendship and a sad farewell
(포토)故 이준구 대사범, 한국 장례추모식 서울, 무주 두 곳서 엄수
(KOR-ENG)Gyeonggido Taekwondo Association, a man of 6 million dollars?
(KOR-ENG) The North Korean Taekwondo Demonstration Team, which has played a role as a mission of peace in the Olympics is going back today
(KOR-ENG) WT, ITF Demonstration Team will give opening ceremony of 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games including Prerelease demonstration in Sokcho
(KOR-ENG) The visitors to the United States of National Assembly Taekwondo Federation had visit to the United States and Mexico for 9days
(Photo)Edina, Lisa Lents Sisters (Kukkiwon 5th DAN, WTF Poomsae I-R, 2008 miss Denmark and WTF and WTU-news Ambassadors, 29 years old) at Gwanghwamun,
WT and ITF show of Unity at PyeongChang Winter Olympics 2018
(KOR-ENG) The Kukkiwon has established the 'Global Youth Taekwondo Leaders.’
'제1회 국회의장배 전국태권도대회' 2,065명 참가, 성료
국기원에서 ‘2017 자랑스러운 태권도인 상’시상식 개최
(KOR-ENG) On 29th of November, at 5pm, 13 of Korean assemblymen had the first training
(Photo news) 나흘간 우정의 열전 ‘2017 경기도의회의장배 태권도대회’ 성료
(Photo news) '2017 김운용컵 국제오픈 태권도선수권대회' 개막
'경기도태권도협회' 제98회 충주 전국체육대회에서 종목우승 2연패를 달성
(KOR-ENG) Photo news- The Funeral Ceremony for the late Dr. Un Yong Kim who passed away on October 3
2016 Kukkiwon Hanmadang (Taekwondo Festival)
Rio 2016 Olympic Games Taekwondo WTF Demonstration
The 10th World Taekwondo Culture EXPO 2016
Cathatina Choi Nunes , Miss World Brazil 2015
Video Gallery
(VOD & photos)Lee Dong-sup's interview with the president of Kukkiwon “You recently visited the United States for the past nine days. What was the pur
DAEDO GEN3 PSS System, Officially Certified by World Taekwondo
대한태권도협회, 태권도의 매력을 담은 홍보영상 4편 제작해 대중과 소통